Women are being manipulated and herded on a globally industrial scale, and they don't know it.
Some of the rarely mentioned reasons Feminism was created, fostered and invested in by those with power and influence...
1. Abolishing women from the Home means double the income tax that governments can collect, when paired with her spouse's income.
2. Abolishing women from the Home means the state has the opportunity to intercede in the raising of children and worse, to monopolise it. This may include indoctrination and character-breaking (which includes the destruction of individual personality), much of which is irreversible.
3. Abolishing women from the Home has inevitably increased the divorce rate as a result of the stress on the relationship, from spouses no longer having clearly delineated sex-roles (two 'bread-winners' negates sexual dimorphism of domestic social-roles). Lawyers have made lots of money from this!
4. Following the abolition of woman from permanent Home roles, the usual tasks and duties of a 'stay-at-home-mother' (and her children) are now undertaken with the use of paid-for services or with mass-produced electrical goods from various businesses. This brings increased consumer sales the government and business can tax and make profits from.
5. Adding millions and millions of women to the available workforce results in wages being kept down ('wage stagflation'). When in the past one income supported a family now two incomes are needed for the household to meet all it's costs. This decreases the cost of labour for business and the public sector: it is simple 'supply & demand'.
6. Making women 'workers' instead of housewives & mothers, makes them 'independent consumers' with their own consumer habits. Women are notoriously poor with money (which is why historically inheritances were never left to females under any circumstances) and mass marketing is saturated with woman-baiting advertisements meant to manipulate women into parting with their wages. These mass-marketing strategies are enormously successful and have been for decades. It was mentioned by Vince Packard in his 1960s book, 'The Hidden Persuaders'. Strangely, Feminists are quiet about this mass-manipulation of women.
7. Feminism encourages the greatest crime of them all: the murder of innocent unborn white children.
You're kidding me? Really?!!!! Well, who'd have guessed it!
Can you think of any more? There are many more! If you can, do add them in the Comments below.
Fare thee well for now,