Monday, July 30, 2018

The First Part of 'The Statecraft Series'
This article represents the inaugural post in a series that will be tasked with elucidating the need for new Aryan separatist nation-states and the ways in which the task - a momentous one - will be required to be approached in order to ensure a concrete understanding among Nationalsocialists who in the future will devote themselves to such a task.  In Britain, the time for this has not yet arrived.
As 'The Statecraft Series', these articles will be essentially be a 'beginner's' series.  It is expected the genuinely curious reader will have a personal curriculum of his own that will act as the core of his learning.  'The Statecraft Series', and other articles like it, ought to be either 'launch-pads' or supplements.
The articles will be relevant to American, British and other European readers.  With regard to the North American situation, some of what shall be written in the Statecraft Series will have been already touched upon in the writings of Harold A Covington, who in the last 18-19 years of his life committed himself absolutely to unavoidable truth of the Northwest Imperative for the Aryan people of North America.  But this is all to the good, since great observations, understandings and statements are always worth repeating. 
Realpolitik is defined as an approach of clear pragmatism and realism in addressing political issues, minus the dreamy haze of ideological fantasy and at the expense of a primacy of ideological influence in the decision-making processes.
The term was allegedly coined by a German political journalist by the name of Ludwig von Rochau.  He was fundamentally a Liberal by political stripe, but of course, in the early-mid 19th century, Liberalism was not quite the zombie that it is today.  The brilliant Heinrich von Treitschke, whom by the standards of today would be considered a rabid proto-Fascist was a member of the same National Liberal Party as von Rochau.  In point of fact, in an example of Realpolitik as applied to what he (correctly) perceived as a coming rassenkrieg - several decades before Lothrop Stoddard, von Treitschke stated, "In the unhappy clash between races, inspired by fierce mutual enmity, the blood-stained savagery of quick war of annihilation is more humane, less revolting, than the specious clemency of sloth which keeps the vanquished in a state of brute beasts."
It is widely accepted that the concept of Realpolitik is one that can be applied to all ages of political philosophy and theories of statecraft.
Realpolitikersaurus Rex
When we look at it coldly, there's no doubt that this has been a key missing ingredient of the various 'third position' movements.  The only current exceptions in the English speaking nations are the Northwest Front and the other organisations working for the same goal.  Other 'movements' have been stricken with an almost glue-like residue of infantile sentimentality and crude romanticism that has completely devalued their own ability to accurately develop any relevant cognizance of both regional and global situations.  In some cases, this lack of ruthless Realpolitik has been apparent in a shameful inability o recognise even the most obvious causes of stasis in the development of the so-called revolutionary movement, even - in the case of both North America and Britain - to the extent of not being able to understand the gravity of the occupation of anywhere from 25-60% of people of foreign race in a place and what obvious conclusions this ought to bring to mind.  Even in Sir Oswald Mosley's post-war Union movement, it was not understood the extent to which the Union Movement platform was rendered utterly insolvent by the conclusion of the Second World War. As late as 1958, Mosley and his supporters voiced astonishment at the brutal ballot-fraud conducted in South Kensington to prevent any kind of in-roads being made by the former British Union of Fascists & Nationalsocialists, and even in the 1960s the Union Movement seemed prostrate in the face of the brainwashing of most of the nation by way of the new phenomenon of household television. 
Not quite the 'funny papers'.
Is this seriously what we want to leave to our children and grandchildren?
Of course, the value of hindsight is inestimable and perhaps I am being rather harsh on Sir Oswald and his followers (though I've never understood why he thought it acceptable for a Germano-celtic nation to adopt the Latin doctrine of Fascism rather than the Nordic Nationalsocialism, but that's a story for another day).
Realpolitik provides a flat, even surface upon which relevant issues can be looked at cleanly and dealt with clinically, at least to whatever extent is possible with the resources and/or opportunities available.  As one might expect, decisiveness, forthrightness, a thorough knowledge of all relevant factors, along with an accurate interpretation of the situation to be dealt with are all imperative prerequisites to attending to said situation in the manner of Realpolitik. In the age in which we are currently living, these traits (being inherently masculine) are exceedingly rare.  The obvious conclusion is that those who are in a position where the Realpolitiker should operate, are simply devoid of these traits.
One tends to find that those who suffer from a debilitating lack of Realpolitik have a number of things counting against them, individually and collectively:
1. Lack of historical knowledge and understanding
2. Lack of understanding of people and it's variability
3. Degeneracy, including effeminacy, low intelligence and bourgeoisie cowardice
4. Character defects, including inflated self-pride and lack of discipline
For those 'movers & shakers' in a revolutionary movement, those who dictate the programme and set the stratagem, a firm understanding of relevant history is as necessary as an axel is to a moving vehicle, and if knowledge and understanding of the relevant history is the axel, then an understanding of the phenomenon of people - their needs and desires (in relation to Natural Law), their behaviours and triggers of various behaviours, the nature of their individuality, the nature of their relations to one another, the role of the family, the biological realities, etc - is the engine.  It is my opinion that any ideology that is moulded without the aforementioned ingredients at the heart, is going to be utterly shambolic and will require frequent deviations from it's principles when put into practice, and in fact the results may end up deadly, as we shall learn. 
It's a tragic fact that traits of both inherent and acquired degeneracy are rife in the world today.  The race that once entirely befitted the appellation of Aryan has fallen to such a level of decrepitude that large portions of it are no better than bleached Negroes and others are so Judaized in their behaviour that they may as well have Tay-Sachs disease and complete the transmutation, for the differences appear minimal to those of us with a residue of Old-World psyche. 
Nevertheless, it is not the hoi polloi who are called upon by the Gods of history to carve their names into the Eternal Stone.  It is always and absolutely invariably the exceptional minority who decide which direction the Stone Rolls (or, whether it rolls at all).  The huge majority of the 'Working Class' portion of 21st century white people are so debased and damaged that they have not the facility to bring up their children to be decent citizens in the world of chaos; that being the case, we simply cannot expect such people to arise to prominence in a revolutionary movement of world-shaping importance now, can we?  Naturally, there are exceptions to the rule.  There is widespread debasement among all classes of our people, and at the highest levels this debasement, in it's outward appearance, becomes something almost suicidal. 
We have leaders in our respective - certainly not respectable - nations who find it acceptable to allow the proliferation of severe mental defectives, the invitation of hundreds of thousands of creatures of thoroughly unassimilable foreign race, the scourge of destructive drugs among a naïve populace, the obliteration of large tracts of our natural environment, the evil of automation and the outsourcing of all our manufacturing jobs, both bringing large-scale unemployment and with it the life of destitution, relative poverty and all sorts of forms of community disorder that follow.  We allow women to be given a fast-track to position - of leadership -  that they are entirely unsuited to, and in fact, only just outdo the highly feminised and effeminate males in the leadership incompetence and mediocrity stakes.  It should be noted that many of the leaders of European governments are women, most of them childless, which makes them 24 karat failures in the journey of life. 
A selection of diseased women in positions of power their 'abilities' don't merit.. 
They were never disciplined. Not by their parents, nor men. Fu-uck.
So should we be surprised when the rule of our governments is shockingly devoid of any discernable Realpolitik?  But, as debased as our race is, most of our eternal instincts and primal desires remain, underneath the thick pile carpet of post-Industrial soul-destruction and civilizational advanced-stage decay.
The vast, vast majority of the decisions made by our 'voted for' (you've got to be kidding me!) overlords (excepting Oberjuden, who act from both visceral instinct and conscious design) are enacting legislation that are based not on Realpolitik, but on whatever trend, or whatever addiction (Mammon, for the most part) they have on the brain at any given time.  When we have such emotionally unstable, easily swayed individuals at the wheel, we can't be surprised when we learn that they are merely the agents of a coterie of more serious individuals that he public rarely get to catch a glimpse of.  These individuals are acting according to their own Realpolitik, but needless to say, since it is relative to their own drives, which are in themselves completely incompatible with the wellbeing and health of the great mass of people 'underneath' them, such 'Realpolitik' is really a veneer when we ponder the wider reality of racial destiny and have an understanding of life that goes beyond that found in the books of Dawkins or Hawking some other such Priest of Materialism.
The Realpolitiker cannot realistically operate as a stereotypical civil servant / bureaucrat, simply like a cog in the machine, needing oiled once in a while.  Someone has to put that cog there, someone has to determine the direction it turns and the speed in which it performs it's revolutions.  The bureaucrat carries out tasks on behalf of an existing plan, which is based on some view of reality, or a given situation. 
Shock Realpolitik
Oftentimes Realpolitik comes out of the most unexpected dusty cupboards.
For all the ideological bulk of Marxism-Leninism (Communism), Lenin (in particular) and Stalin, and especially the post-Stalin leaders of the USSR, all drew their sword from the sheath of Realpolitik when the gauntlet was thrown at their feet.  This of course, revealed some severe contradictions between the spoken intentions of Communist states and the reality of practice, but when one becomes acquainted with the ideology of Marxism-Leninism it's perfectly obvious that any attempt to roll out such a system in the real world - as opposed to the fantasy - would inevitably result in these contradiction, which would in turn reveal the inhumanity of the Marxist-Leninist dream (perhaps nightmare would be more appropriate). 
Possessing a pure ideology is - in my opinion - almost the complete opposite of being  purely ideological.  A pure ideology is one which incorporates all the necessary realities that make the ideology something concrete and subservient to the needs of the population meant to be guided by the ideology.  For this to be the case, a qualifying 'pure' ideology will be fathered by men who have a visceral understanding of that population, and not merely a segment of it.  Karl Marx, for all his tongue-twisting economic theory, had an almost clinically retarded awareness of human needs and what is desirable for a fulfilling life for a people, especially the European people, whom he initially intended his perverted ideology to direct. 
One should expect a correlation between the concept of Realpolitik and the unwavering Laws of Nature, laws that admittedly are only valid to us so long as we have interpreted them with accuracy.  Of course, throughout post-Enlightenment Europe, Realpolitik hasn't necessarily gone hand-in-hand with the diktat of Mother Nature. 
It may be wisely  considered an aspect of the true statesman's art that he is able to delicately balance the act of Realpolitik in the general service of efficient statecraft with a visceral and sincere consideration for the wellbeing of the people of the nation (the volksgemeinschaft).  Even Otto von Bismarck, contemporary of both von Treitschke and von Rochau, considered one of the standard-bearers of modern Realpolitik, did not always manage to achieve this equilibrium.
Count Otto von Bismarck (1815-1898)
On the face of it there may appear to be a conflict between ideology and Realpolitik.  But this ought not to be the case.  A perfect marriage of a pure ideology with Realpolitik is the forging of a weapon that cuts down all on-comers.  Ideology is the sum of learning and experience*.  Realpolitik is a tool to open the faucet (rusted, in our case) of change.
Place of Morality / Ethics
Some may bemoan it, but I will use the terms morality and ethics interchangeably since in the foregoing, I shall mainly be referring to the collective rather than the individual.  It should be obvious.
The Realpolitiker acknowledges that Morality is not a relative term.  It exists as an immovable collective character trait of the entire race, and the Nationalsocialist Realpolitiker has the courage in this age of reality-denial to affirm and reaffirm stoutly the fact that collective character traits are specific to each race, and in some regards, to each ethnicity (sub-race).  The Realpolitiker must be consumed with the morality of his race.  He must feel it to the very depths of his being.  Remember, we do not consider 'regular' people to be the leader of nations, here.  We are speaking of the exceptional man, who merits his position as a national leader, who truly can feel the collective soul of his race pulsating through his own veins.  This type of man can use Realpolitik in much the same way an expert carpenter uses a chisel or a plane.  It is a tool to be pulled out of the bag when the situation requires it, but in the pure ideology, there is room for it. 
A rigid ideology based on crude knee-jerk emotionalism such as the 'social' policy that has our modern politicians, the agents of big business and international finance in a sort of zombie-like trance cannot incorporate Realpolitik without compromising on it's own pillars, which, in a grievous enough situation, could bring the entire structure down.  This makes for some interesting thinking.
Hmmmm. 1921?  Or 2018?
Is Might Always Right?
'Might Is Right' normally refers to a position along the lines of, "the strong must always prevail".  It's a commonly heard phrase among the Right-wing and occasionally some apparent Nationalsocialists.  And while the weaker elements ought not to be permitted to restrain the stronger, it has to be clarified what is meant here, and in a societal frame of reference, where the variables are that on the one hand make the aforementioned trope applicable, and on the other make it irrelevant. 
And mighty Mjölnir was struck with the lightening of Realpolitik.  Said no one. 
If healthy women and children are considered 'weaker' than strong men, should the former be allowed to prevail over the latter?  Of course! This is an example what Plato called the Golden Age men (the noble and the decent) absolutely insisted one, since they understood man's place as protector of the future of the race, even at the possible expense of his own life.  This is an example of a healthy natural law, a law that is rooted in our deepest racial instinct, taking precedence over any other consideration, and this is a an important function, since it is one which actively promotes the continued survival of the race.  As the Sturmabteilung used to say, "Treat the lowest street-sweeper of your own race with greater regard than the king of any foreign race."   Realpolitik does not come into it at all. 
However, in a modern incarnation of a healthy civilization, we ought not to prevent our strong - that is to say, capable - men from rising to the positions that their inherent ability merits them, for the continued successful functioning of both state and civilization require their free ascendancy.  Any state policy that activates such an upward movement of the finest elements of the nation's men, represents a perfect marriage of ideology and Realpolitik.  The adulation of our race and advancement of our civilization is a core tenet of our ideology and the internal structure that provides the rails on which this can occur is based on a series of formulated 'Realpolitik' policies.  The pragmatism in allowing the best to rise to the positions of leadership is both obvious and far-sighted.
A Necessary Ingredient
No movement today can feasibly embark on an upward trajectory without an understanding of the necessity of Realpolitik in their interpretations of current conditions, including the limitations and capabilities of the movement, and the expectations of the movement's various resources. 
The Contract between the rulers and the ruled has to be formulated and established.  In this area, there is no doubt that Realpolitik will play a role.  The setting of the Contract between a new revolutionary government and the mass of people will be worth it's weight in stardust once established.  Make sure you understand me correctly: I refer here not to the (at this stage in time) dreamy notion of one of our groups actually attaining something close to rule over a substantial region, but to the operation of the movement in it's early phases. 
Of course, understanding of and adherence to Natural Law as defined earlier in this article will help ensure that any ideological Contract, offered with the application of Realpolitik is built-to-last, and will certainly bring about a contribution towards lasting peace, prosperity, industriousness, and collective health and spiritual fulfilment when the new Golden Age finally begins.  But an honest and realistic appraisal of all current situations is absolutely imperative to give a movement some hope of moving in an upward trajectory.  Anyone who prefers to throw themselves under the rug whenever the actualities of demographics, economic necessity and correct conduct come on to the radar is a coward.  The best thing these people can do is step back and dissociate themselves from any movement, since, as it goes, "if you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem." 
The dictum, "if  you build it, they will come" is not based on Realpolitik.  It may well apply to Cinemas and Circuses, but to the awfully discomforting necessity of racially-charged revolution, the opposite - if anything - applies.  Realpolitik as a tool to wrench some form of political power from the established one will only bring even hints of success if it, and the other tenets of successful operation of a movement, is fed by the sustaining nourishment of HARD WORK, especially in partnership with discipline, courage and raw intelligence.
On the important issue of beginning the transition from an 'organism' into a bona fide organisation, I refer the reader to the 'Revolutionary Tripod' as outlined in 'Dreaming The Iron Dream, pg201, by Harold A. Covington, available HERE (usa) and HERE (Brit).
Readers who take the issue of the formation of new nation-states exclusively for the habitation of Aryan people, will be required to develop some form of rudimentary knowledge on statecraft, in it's theory (based on historical practice) and statecraft as it exists today.  The future nation-state cannot simply be built on any of the already existing structures, in the hope that they just fade away, no matter how diseased they are.  In the areas new nation-states are to be established, the previously existing structures will have to be treated in the same manner as ancient Carthage.  Obliterated.
"Videant Consules: Ne Quid Respublica Detrimenti Capiat"
(Let the consuls see to it that no harm comes to the republic)
*I acknowledge this is a very generalised statement.  However, it is a subject that shall be embellished upon in a future article.

Friday, July 27, 2018

by Harold A Covington
Harold A. Covington. Astoria, Oregon, USA.
[April 20, 1999]
Comrades and Brothers:
As the last summer of this most terrible of centuries begins, I find myself thinking of a day in early summer twenty-eight years ago.
On that day, having completed my last final exam and thus my last Hill High School, I walked up to my car in the parking lot on a hill beside the school. I stopped at the summit of that hill and turned, looking back at the buildings, remembering all that had occurred there over the past three years. In that moment I made a silent vow to myself that I would devote my life to ensuring that someday, no White boy or girl would ever again have to go through what I had to go through in that place.
To my frequent amazement, this vow of mine I have kept through almost three decades of chaos and madness. The century draws to a close and it is not inappropriate, I think, for us as a group to pause for the few remaining months of it and assess where we have all been and what we have done.
Many years ago an author named Norman Spinrad wrote a book called The Iron Dream.  The book was not a very memorable one, a kind of literary joke, purporting to be what Adolf Hitler would have written had he immigrated to the United States after the Beer Hall Putsch and become a science fiction writer in New York. Yet the phrase has stuck in my mind. I think it is a very good one, very descriptive of the kind of vision that National Socialism has for Aryan mankind. National Socialism itself might be said to be an Iron Dream, a vision of a world and a human identity that endures like the hard metal instead of decaying like mere flabby flesh, and where the soul of man is hard and strong instead of weak and vacillating. The Iron Dream is the hidden, instinctive soul of our mighty race; it lurks beneath the surface of the mind and desire of every White man and woman ever born, for it is the gift of the God or gods who forged our people from the ice and snow and granite of the vast forested expanse of our ancient homeland.
All my life I have dreamed the Iron Dream. I do not know why; some are simply born out of step with their time, I suppose. Even as a child I understood that things around me weren't RIGHT somehow, that this was not the way life is supposed to be. Always I have been haunted, obsessed by a vision of a world very different than the one which I grew up in, an all-White world with very different standards and priorities. A world of strength and valor and glory, full of all the qualities and virtues and experiences which have been so deliberately bred out of us by Judaic materialism. When I was young I had an idealized view of the past, (all White faces, of course) but I had no idea of what this brave new world should be like in the future, until I discovered and understood the true meaning of Adolf Hitler, the Third Reich and National Socialism.
I have served the Iron Dream since that time because for me there was no other conceivable path. Every opportunity which presented itself for me to conform (and here were many) I rejected out of hand. It would not have been so hard. Like the ancient Domitian, all the power structure asked was that occasionally, I burn a small pinch of incense on the altars of the false gods of Judaism and materialism. But never once in my life have I burned that small pinch of incense which would have been my ticket into the wonderful world of money and consumer goods---that symbolic gesture of submission which would have meant, among other things, that I would have a medical insurance policy when I reached age 45.
At age seventeen, I recognized a racial, moral imperative which demanded my full attention and dedication, and I have submitted to it without question ever since. Not the usual twentieth century life story, to be sure or at least not very common since 1945. "Making my peace with the system", a phrase I have actually heard used in the past few years by some people who were once active in the resistance, is something which simply never occurred to me. I talk about Holy Aryan Poverty, and possibly some of you think I am making a virtue of necessity. I am not. If I had it all to do over again I'd change some things, sure, but I would take essentially the same
path I have taken. I have never looked back.

I have spent a large portion of my life making demands on you people-collective, generic "you", those of us who are racially conscious and who know the truth. I am forever asking you to do things that you do not wish to do. In essence I have demanded, and continue to demand, that you come up to my standards. I have done so not in my name, but in the name of the Fuhrer Adolf Hitler and in the name of generations of White children yet unborn, both of whom have the right to demand that sacrifice and that action from you. I have done and said things that have made you extremely uncomfortable. I have spoken aloud of things you feel are better left discreetly unspoken; I have pointed the finger and named names, saying "Thou art the man!" I will continue to do and say these things, because it is my duty to do so, because these things must be done and said and no one else will.

Fraud is the curse of our Movement, more than anything else the cause of fifty years of failure.
Let me tell you how to spot a Movement fraud, in one easy lesson. A Movement fraud demands only two things of you: your money and your applause. He never asks you to take any risk;
indeed, he would prefer you did not, because if you lose your job you can't contribute money to
 him, can you? He never asks you to undertake any inconvenience. He never asks you to sacrifice or to endure persecution and pressure and loss and danger for the Aryan race; he convinces you that he will do all these things for you, that the Great Result can be achieved without you yourself assuming any part of the burden which history has placed on our generations of Aryan men and women. In this, the Movement snake oil salesman lies.
Nothing worth having is ever obtained without a struggle and without cost, and everything worth having is always the result of DUTY accepted and fulfilled. The Iron Dream can be made reality---indeed, time and again down through the centuries our people HAVE made it a reality---but it requires blood and sweat and gold and tears, prison and death and long years of toil and grinding poverty. Anyone who does not tell you this is lying.
Above all things, National Socialism means DUTY. Duty to one's self, to be true to one's racial destiny. In this soft and supine era most White men run away from duty, will do anything to avoid it, for it is difficult and demanding and interferes with their television. Yet throughout past ages, real men have always embraced duty, sought it out, and made it the touchstone of their lives. Man without duty is a simply a pig wallowing in a trough, another form of animal life. Man without a higher duty to spiritual principle is a Jew.
To be a National Socialist---to dream the Iron Dream---is to become a servant of history, to take upon oneself the burden of deciding in what form human destiny will be shaped. To be a National Socialist means taking on not only responsibility but moral authority, the right to determine the fate of others, and that is a terrible duty to assume, one which frightens and horrifies most modern men. To be a National Socialist entails the courage to determine that this society is sick beyond saving, and that mercy itself requires its swift extinction. To be a National Socialist requires cultivating the character, the intelligence and the moral strength to recognize the true issues at stake for our race and our civilization in the face of overwhelming public distortion and pressure to conform, and to accept the persecution and the hatred that comes with non-conformity.
One of the first things that struck me at Chapel Hill High, when I began to observe racial reality at first hand, was how AFRAID the White students and teachers were of everything. They were afraid of the niggers physically, but more than that they were afraid of becoming involved, of making moral decisions based on what was right as opposed to what was expedient, afraid of taking a stand in the face of the liberal power structure against the blacks' violence and drugs and their destruction of the learning environment. For the first time I ran into a phenomenon I was to encounter again and again in my adult life: everyone around me knew perfectly well that I was right about the blacks, but no one dared to stand at my side and battle with me against institutional wrongdoing.

White fear has always filled me with shame, for more than anything else; cowardice disgraces our heritage and degrades our Folk. I have striven to show other White people, by the example of my own life that they can rise above it. I have often thought that one reason I have been unable to get any help is not because no one understands what is required, but because most people DO in fact understand these things, and aside from all other considerations, they are terrified of the responsibility of taking upon themselves the burden of history. The human reality is that most people simply do not have what it takes to be a revolutionary, and that is true in every era. But the fact that most people aren't up to the task doesn't mean that the task need not be done. Racial survival is something we cannot take a "pass" on. The racial extinction of the White man is not an option. SOMEONE has to step forward, and I have always accepted the fact that, for whatever strange karmic reason, I have drawn the short straw in this life. Sometimes I have wished it wasn't so, but my duty station is assigned and I remain at my post.
 The Western world has reached a turning point, by the steep stages of a crisis mounting for generations, a crisis brought on us through our own weakness and cowardice and sloth. Several times throughout this terrible century, in Rhodesia, in South Africa, in the American South, twice in Germany, Aryan man has attempted without success to resist the onslaught of the crawling chaos which is known under so many names---liberalism, socialism, diversity, Political Correctness, multiculturalism, humanism, all the various nicknames under which Judaic Marxism and its twin brother Judaic capitalism disguise themselves. (Believe it, Marxism is still alive and well in the world today.) We have resisted thus far without success, but that does not mean that we must cease to resist or that those of us who know the truth can ever resign from the struggle. I say to you again, the racial extinction of the White man is not an option, and anyone who accepts it as such to avoid the effort and danger of racial duty damns his immortal soul to hell.


We as a people must acquire the will to survive the crisis of civilization, where that will is elsewhere divided, wavering, or absent. At issue is whether our sick and weakened society, which we call Western civilization and which is the sole product of the Aryan race, can in its extremity still call up men and women whose faith in it is so great that they will voluntarily abandon those things which men hold good, including life, to defend it. To be a part of this process, to be a soldier in this world-shaking conflict, is not an onerous thing to be avoided, but an honor, the greatest privilege which can be granted any man or woman, and it is a destiny I would not have missed for the world. The pain that these past twenty-eight years have inflicted upon me is something I cannot even begin to describe to you, but I understood from the very beginning that such pain would be part of the price tag attached to doing my duty, and I accept it without cavil.

Some day you will accept it too, for despite my periodic dressings-down I know full well that you are not bad people and that you perceive in your hearts that you,  as well, have a share in this destiny. However much they may deny it, there persists in every White man and woman a scrap of soul, some faint remnant of conscience. Few White men, no matter how sunk in the fleshpots of Jewish materialism, are so dull as not to understand in at least some part of their consciousness that the crisis exists. It is in fact a total crisis---political, moral, intellectual, religious, social and economic. Nothing more or less is at stake than the continued existence on this earth of people with White skins. You know this, and some day you will join me. This is inevitable, although I make no secret of my hope that it will be sooner rather than later.



National Socialists are bound together not only by a common devotion to our immortal Leader and his ideals, but by a bond of blood which reaches across the barrier of nations, differences of class and education, in defiance of every Jewish rule and tenet: OUR RACE IS OUR NATION. This mighty faith in our own heritage and destiny will someday give us the power to move mountains, and the time will come when at long last we will move men as well. National Socialists are that fragment of Aryan mankind who has recovered our people's long-lost ability to HOLD CONVICTIONS AND TO ACT UPON THEM, to live, to die, and for our faith.

There is no greater human calling than to sacrifice one's life---either in death or in selfless lifelong devotion, poverty, and obloquy---to an ideal greater than the personal self. This is what National Socialism calls upon Aryan men and women to do. In these times of timidity, prosperity, and inertia this is not a popular message, but a few in every generation respond to it. For idealism is in our very genetic makeup, and however deeply we smother it in the material wealth and indifference of the Judaic world in which we rot, it will always shine through. The spark of the divine essence within our Aryan souls is still there. You feel it yourself, or you would not be reading these lines now.

I know full well that this summer, as occurred to me on that summer day twenty-eight years ago, all across this land there are a small number of young men and women who are looking back at the place where they have just spent some wretchedly miserable years, and they are dedicating their lives to a future where it won't happen again. I have already met some of this new generation and I hope to meet more of them someday, to give them the benefit of my experience and to let them know that they are heirs to the glorious legacy of Hitler and Rockwell. That legacy will come to fruition in the 21st century, and this will happen because a small band of us willingly gave up our places at the great consumer trough, our chances for what Politically Correct society calls "happiness", in order to answer the call of our racial duty. It is we who will vindicate our people before the bar of history, we small band of brothers and sisters who gave it all up to do what was right instead of what was convenient or what was socially acceptable. I would not resign my membership in this tiny elite for any price.
It's hell out here, people. It's dirty, it's shabby, it's dangerous, it's depressing, it’s hard and brutal. And it is unspeakably glorious. Join me!
Join me! Let us dream the Iron Dream together, that someday the world may awake to that day of blood and fire and renewal which will ushering the greatest Imperium of mankind.
