Idiocracy In Sheffield
NOT Herbert Camacho. (I repeat: picture NOT a still from a movie)
Pockets of Britain already essentially possess Third World status, at least to anyone who isn't afraid to call a spade a spade and has a European understanding of the term 'quality of life'. Sheffield, a Yorkshire city once famous for being a world-leader in the production of steel products, particularly cutlery, and now an exceptionally ugly city as a result of city planners and architects unkind to the white man's condition, is now thoroughly kebabbed onto the spear-tip of the Left's programme of destruction for significant British cities. Though the racial demographics are not so alarming as other British cities (possibly due to the 'extended-village' nature of the city, surrounded on all sides by hills) such as London (forget it), it seems there is much madness in the former City of Steel.
Like a huge number of British regions, the area suffered large-scale unemployment as a result of Britain decimating it's own prestige by way of allowing the USA to usurp it's own markets (amongst other things) after the disastrous Second World War, and so, as has happened often with these regions in Britain, the electorate, in vain, drifted to the Left in the hugely mistaken hope that the party 'of workers' would magically be able to return their jobs to them. This extended episode of Left rule has allowed the Left to entrench itself in the region, and that still remains with us today, just as has happened in the Scottish northern part of Britain.
"You Gots To Be Shittin' Me!"
And so, the ground was prepared for Left-wing madness in Sheffield. Magid-Magid, a Somalian who was not even born in Britain, he has been taking his newly elected position of Lord Mayor very seriously. Sheffield City Council are 'happy' to admit that this Somalian simpleton has no effective power as the position of Mayor in Sheffield is merely ceremonial, but what they do not speak of is the symbolic significance of allowing such a primitive to hold the office of Mayor of the City of Sheffield. As if the demoralisation of the TRUE British people was not low enough, the limp-wristed and spineless whites of the City Council and the quasi-Communists of the so-called Green Party thought it was a 'progressive' idea for this to happen, and no doubt the Labour party (now an outwardly neo-Marxist movement) had greased the wheels, something that A) would have been easy considering all of Sheffield's six MP's are Labour, and B) fits in nicely with Labour's nation-wrecking 'rainbow-society' delusion.
Sheffield is what is known in Britain as a 'City of Sanctuary', which loosely has the same meaning as 'Sanctuary City' in the USA. City of Sanctuary is an umbrella quango that seeks to undermine the integrity of the British people by actively pushing the integration and assimilation of members of foreign race among our communities. When that Kurdish boy was drowned as a direct result of his father's negligence, and that very situation was cynically pounced upon, exploited and manipulated by the media as a weapon to (further) guilt-trip whites, it was the offices of City of Sanctuary that were henceforth flooded with applications by unthinking goyim.
From Whence Did The Stink First Emanate?
Poetically, City of Sanctuary began in Sheffield ("of coursh!") in 2005. Since then, CoS has grown tentacles to allow it to extend it's reach into other British cities, towns, and even villages are not immune from this bacteria, and from this alarming list, we can see just how deeply those tentacles have penetrated Britain.
And What Does It Smell Like?
They describe themselves categorically as a 'broad social movement', which of course implies an ideological basis, but frankly they should have described themselves as a 'racial movement' too, since it is exactly the racial exclusiveness of Britons (in relation to other non-European nations) that they fundamentally wish to eradicate. As if the concept of 'city of sanctuary' isn't enough of an abomination, these destructive reprobates wish to turn the whole of Wales into a "Nation of sanctuary"! The madness accrues.
It's quite clear that CoS sees itself as a premier 'movement' for the complete contamination of what was once a racially homogenous nation. Needless to say it's a conglomeration of Boomers, foreigners, feminists, cat-women, Marxists, the stupid-but-determined and the plain mentally ill.
Right: Jonathan (((Ellis))) CoS, London branch. Every. Single. Time.
The Founders and leadership of City of Sanctuary ought to be considered as prominent enemies of the British people, every bit as devious and as destructive as the media, parliamentary democracy and the numerous business and finance organisation that all have a stake in a multi-racial, bursting-at-the-seams Britain. There is a very visible and very legible trail of destruction behind their machinations of the past 13 years. The best we can hope for is that at some point in time, somehow, their funding dries up and they (and their various branches) can no longer fund their activities.
Make Sheffield Great (for an) African ... by banning Trump 'n' shit.
Anyway, while doing a little scouring and trawling across the internet, I actually managed to find a transcript of 'Magical Magid's inaugural address following his election as Sheffield mayor:
"Oh shit man, I can't like, believe this has actchooally 'appened! Ooooed a thowt it? But listen, I won't be takin' any shit, yeah? I know, like, people are like un'appy an stuff - especially owl my bruvvas, SOLIDARITY WIV YOU NIGGAS FROM DA MUTHALAND! But, I like, think it's impowtant that we keep the trees an the flowers and owl that an don't let any like, carbon emisstions get out, cause that's like bad I fink. And I eard there's still uh resheshun or summit? Like, not enuff muny and jobs? Wot else? I wanna fank Citee uh Sanctuary fo givin a guy like me from dusty Somaleeah the chance to be a FUCKIN MAYAHHHH, YEAHHHH!!!! Uh I mean, uh, i'm like grateful and shit. Oh, yeah, that fuckin; NAZI, that fuckin' WHITE SUPREMYISIST OPPRESSOR DONALD TRUMP, he ain't gonna be allowed in moy cittee. Fanks man. Peace out. Hey, any gurls at there wanna get wid a mayya?"
"Sheffield, Fuck, Yeah!"
A joke of course. But the reality is, this man who carries Third World savagery and barbarism in his genes is highly likely to be given some kind of power in the running of parts of the country in the future, just like Khan in London and that other Arab running (or ruining) the transport system in the Scottish region (there are increasingly more). As the distance between the white man and the black & brown races becomes wider, without that white 'tutelage', the black and brown WILL resort to their genetically programmed behavioural traits.
London is no longer Britain. No more kidding ourselves.
It's Hamza Yousuf of the clan MacGoatfucker with the
SNP's '79 Club veteran champagne-Marxist Alex Salmond.
What's at the bottom of the abyss?
We in Britain will one day, in the not-too-distant future,
find that out.
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