And So It Begins
Dear GCHQ / MI5 / Home Office,
Welcome to The Hatecrime Hotline.
Let us have this one blog. Just this one. The Hatecrime Hotline is just a virtual soapbox in a virtual forum, where both speaker and listeners are all virtual too. No violence shall be advocated or endorsed. The author neither assumes nor accepts any responsibility whatsoever for the actions or otherwise of ANY of his readers and/or commenters, no matter what 'influence' any readers/commenters may or may not ascribe to this blog as a result of any actions (or otherwise) by readers/commenters.
'The Hatecrime Hotline does not and never will encourage any readers or commenters to commit acts of violence against:
- Members of Parliament
- Any of the staff of large businesses
- Any of the staff of Marketing organisations
- Any of the staff or activists of political parties
- Councillors
- Any council/local authority employees
- Any of the staff of the 'mainstream media'
- Members of the general public
- Military personnel
- or any other living individual(s).
If The Hatecrime Hotline ever provides links to a website that does (either directly or indirectly) ascribe to actions of violent intent, this has not to be considered as or equal to an endorsement of said possible violent intent by the author of The Hatecrime Hotline. The attitudes and/or intentions of the commenters at The Hatecrime Hotline are not in any way considered to also be the attitudes or intentions of the author. The attitudes and/or intentions of the commenters at The Hatecrime Hotline are the attitudes and/or intentions of the commenters only.
The Hatecrime Hotline ascribes to the noble sentiment that all conversation (outside of the advocating of physical violence) leads to healthy conversation since a natural process of filtration will allow the most relevant and important topics and opinions to float to the top while the irrelevant and generally unfavourable topics and opinions will sink to the bottom of the wider 'conversation'. In this way, what ought to be discussed gets discussed, and what is not considered as worth discussing is disposed of though a general consensus.
And now to the people who matter...
Dear Reader,
At the time I am writing this, you will see clearly that this blog is a work under construction. I am certainly a novice when it comes to the amateur construction of internet platforms, even simple ones like this. I have no idea what HTML is (or what it's an abbreviation for) or how to input graphics. I'm going to have to learn as I create and publish.
Today is the day of 2018's Summer Solstice. An appropriate day for the establishment of a medium of commentary and discussion that deals with subjects too frequently deemed a 'hatecrime' to even discuss in public places in Britain, at this very time. Such is the trajectory that our Islands have been driven, that police resources are forcibly prioritized in criminalizing the opinions of generally decent citizens under the label of the mythical 'hatecrime' instead of chasing the ACTUAL criminals who are causing irreparable damage to many innocent people, too often children and other vulnerable souls.
All of us actual Britons know it, no matter how 'extreme' or conservative our political views or our world-view: Britain has a terminal disease and the body of the nation, in all it's forms, is rotten to the marrow, decaying to the point that pieces are falling away like a crumbling cliff pounded by the tide day after day.
The worst part is - the part that gives all of us with a conscience some sleepless nights and a hefty dose of anxiety - is that there appears to be NOTHING that can be done about it; as if the ship's course towards the rocks - in darkness and stormy seas - is set like cast iron.
However, an alleviation of the discontent caused by this seeming impossibility of overcoming the current decay and disorder (if you live in London, Birmingham, Manchester, Leeds, Glasgow, Bristol, Newcastle, Leicester, or one of many other British cities, 'CHAOS' may be a more accurate term) does not seem within reach when we take a longer view, and consider the future generations of (true) Britons who will inherit this situation.
Much of the damage of today was began by the brainwashing of the 'Boomer' generation through TV and alarmingly Marxist university lecturers during the 50s, 60s and 70s. This generation is beginning it's collective retirement from the levers of power (be that in the family home, or as heads of government & public authority departments, or in corporate management).
The younger generations have been (and are being) subject to different kinds of institutional propaganda (yes - that word IS entirely appropriate!), but the ineffectiveness of the modern generations is not necessarily that they have been soaked in dehumanising quasi-Marxist anti-white nonsense as were the Boomers, but more that they have inherited a way of life that has been the result of the propaganda the Boomers were subject to. It's clear to see, all around (the West) that the principles of Authority, Discipline and Order are sorely missing in our decayed 21st century Western societies (from Seattle to Stockholm, from Los Angeles to Vienna).
These are the principles that cause young people to become responsible, empathetic, constructive and fully functional members of a healthy society. These three principles stem from such things as an honest and fully patriarchal government (with all that flows from this), a healthy nuclear family (with a strong father at the head and an obedient and caring mother-figure alongside him) and a collective understanding that what is done in this life has meaning, and that remembering the lives and achievements of those who came before us - our descendants - is imperative to a healthy society.
I digress. One thing is for absolute certain, no matter a person's opinion (if they have one!): Britain, the rest of Europe and our former colonies, are passing through a period of transition. It is becoming exceedingly difficult for traditionally orientated white men and women to exist without excessive mental strain. One way of alleviating this strain, is to develop an understanding of why the strain is there. From here, we can learn to try to make room for our 'differentiated' selves in this mob-rule final stage of our (formerly) white civilization.
The purpose of this blog is to provide some of that understanding.
Comments are encouraged.
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