This is certain: The West is entirely feminized. But I wish first to make a distinction. The West isn't by it's (innate) nature 'effeminate'. Over the course of the past two, three and four centuries (depending on which part of 'The West' is being mentioned) a process of intricate and penetrating Feminization has been underway.
Medusa's 'Monthly'
Of course, the 'femininity' that we are acquainted with today is a very perverted femininity that bears no relation to the archetypes of femininity that are true to our originally standardized racio-cultural identity. As women have supplanted men, their 'femininity' has mutated into something like a Frankenstein's Monster of femininity. We are not talking about Penelope or the Lady of The Lake here.
Sulphuric Acid
In the 21st century, in it's most advanced state, we can see that this Feminization bleeds into everything around us. Even when no women are physically present the disease of Feminization is present and makes it's presence felt (if not 'known'). Naturally, in previous centuries - or, eras - this process of what was then a creeping feminization wasn't so plain to see. However, the mechanisms that slowly saturated the West with mass Feminization were in themselves clear to see, and their devastation is proven by the dominance of Feminized society today.
The two fundamental mechanisms that brought the Feminization virus were Dysgenics and Dysthenics (these will be elaborated upon in a future post) and they were set in motion by the growth of the National Debt and - concomitantly - Industrialism (in it's various guises) which both also brought about a destruction of religiosity and genuine spirituality in the West. Throughout most of the West this all begins in the 17th century, a truly awful time for Europe and for Europeans, a time that wrought the very changes that resulted in the world we have today - it's conclusion.
That one of these changes was the destruction of Europe's genuine aristocracy and the replacement of them with parliamentary democratic plutocracies is without doubt one of the most prominent strides 'forward' in the disease of Feminization. It will be noted by some that the aristocracies of many nations had already degenerated themselves through marriage to foreigners, but I would add that this is of course the key as why these aristocracies were eventually replaced: their strength had been depleted through their own ethnic debasement. [note: read either of Anthony M. Ludovici's 'In Defence of Aristocracy', 'The Quest of Human Quality', or 'The Importance of Racial Integrity']
Further down the line, Feminization weakens the 'whole' through castrating the protective masculine urges and replacing them with artificial domesticating habits.
Drawbridge Down!
I can provide one such prominent example. Avoidance of conflict is an absolutely dominant feature of femininity (or at least the Modernist irrational perverted form of femininity), but this is of course not the way of the man, who understands nature's unwavering need of occasional violence to initiate change in the unavoidable power-plays that occur throughout the lifespan of a society (whether it is a society comprised of a tribe or tribes of humans, or a society of chimpanzees). When this 'needs must' spirit of the true man is replaced and consumed by the female avoidance-of-conflict worldview, the entire society/civilization has effectively castrated - and indeed, sterilized - itself. The way that the 'authorities' (including the police, judicial, media, national government and local government) dealt with (or rather, dragged their feet and in many cases refused to deal with) the mass-rape of vulnerable white girls by Arabs and other non-whites up and down the land of Britain (it is no doubt STILL going on without the general public's awareness of it) is another very harmful and dangerous result of this feminine avoidance-of-conflict approach taking root in our civilization. We've also heard it from the mouths of other European politicians who would rather tolerate the occasion terrorist attack on European soil than admit that the terrorist attacks are caused by the importation of non-white races into European lands, for the obvious reason that the first avoids the possibility of conflict whereas the second admits that a definite degree of conflict would be necessary to solve the problem.
"I'd Love To, But ... "
Indirectness, or - to use Simon Sheppard's word, 'tergiversation', is another strong trait of the Feminized civilization. This is especially prominent in British government and in every area of the public sector where women and effeminate & Feminized men make up a huge proportion of the personnel. This Indirectness trait is without doubt tied up with the female emotion-dominant mentality, where the decision-making process is having to be squeezed through a brain that runs on the fuel of emotion (& especially drama). The end result is, yes, you have guessed it - needless discussions, needless committees, needless debates, needless reaffirmation after reaffirmation, needless screening after screening and at worst a completely obfuscated process of arriving at decisions.
More apparent in the post-war world, but nevertheless present in the 'industrial age', Feminization is a perfect condition for mass-consumerism. It reduces society to a bovine & porcine level. The feminine need to hoard resources (to alleviate the sub-conscious fear of a resource-famine, which would [with regard to evolutionary-psychology] result in dangerous conditions for the rearing of children) is translated in our modern consumerist age as a weakness that is easily exploited by mass-marketing and profiteers, who view the mass of people as a farmer views his livestock, but with a LOT less concern for their physical welfare.
Big Mother
Looking at the big picture, it certainly does appear that this disease of Feminization will be difficult to reverse in it's current mass state. It is apparent in every realm of our civilization, from methods of governance to the way our libraries are 'run', from financial mismanagement and corruption to environmental damage and the inability to understand the value of tangible things.
There is of course a lot more to this Feminization than what I have briefly covered in this post. In a future article I will talk about the white man's role in the cause of the Feminization of the West, along with the exploitation of women by the frankly evil designs of 'the Left'.
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